Food is my passion because I love being creative with my cooking and baking. I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and especially trying different recipes from around the world. Food is so much more than just a biological necessity. The types of food we eat and how we eat it is shaped by geographical, social, economic, and psychological factors. Culture influences what foods we consider to be okay to consume or what foods are thought to be taboo. Food is also political. Think hunger strikes or blockades that stop food from reaching citizens of a country. Culture determines where and how foods should be prepared, served and eaten. An example is religious food practices. Of course, food is front and centre of our social life, with feasts, festivals, gatherings and birthday parties. One cultural factor having a very dominant role during the past few decades is the emergence of fast food, which is influencing how millions of people are eating around the world. Bottom line: food is not just consumed to keep us alive but to enjoy!
I am happy to discuss and explore many issues pertaining to food. I have had a wide range of experiences when it comes to food and nutrition. I had a working mother growing up and I took over preparing food for the family. I soon discovered the joy of baking and creating. Many years ago I obtained an undergraduate degree in Foods and Nutrition. I went on to complete a Master’s of Science degree in Foods and Nutrition a few years later, with a focus on maternal and infant nutrition. I taught university classes as a Sessional Lecturer, and developed an interest in learning about eating disorders. In addition, I taught prenatal nutrition classes for Manitoba Health. I later completed a degree in Social Work with a renewed interest in wanting to help people.
Throughout the years I gained experience in the food industry. I worked for a catering company as a student. I later established and ran a worksite food kitchen/cafeteria in Winnipeg. My life has always centered around food. I am going to cover various topics in this discussion page. Please let me know if there are any food or nutritional concerns you would like to talk about or would like me to write about.